Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

Couldn't resist....and I'm sure I'll add more as we go.....

A wonderful salad from Siena - most salads here in Italy are NOT good....

My awesome purse that was actually MADE in Florence. Am too scared to take it anywhere with me right now so it's safely waiting in John's suitcase. :>)

This is my kind of meal - well, part of a meal. They have wonderful fresh fruit and I eat it pretty much constantly. The food here is some of the best I've ever eaten but I can't handle the heaviness for every meal - or every day for that matter.

Need I say more??? :>)

1 comment:

  1. Your purse totally rocks!! I can't wait to see it. The food looks so delicious and fresh, too. Tomatoes are my favorite, and you can't beat fresh out of the garden. When you get back, you can try one of my heirloom varieties which have excellent flavor. Miss you!!
