Friday, July 9, 2010

Thank God for Comogli!

So things weren't looking t0o swell for the Weber family over here in Italy, and we left Como in really low spirits. The drive towards Genoa was crazy, as usual, but I'm becoming quite the Italian driver while I'm here and so it wasn't too bad. :>)

Arriving in Comogli, which is actually outside of Cinque Terre we were met by some wonderful views of the Gulf of Genoa - part of the Mediterranean Sea. Our hotel is FANTASTIC and we couldn't be more excited than if you'd given us winning lottery tickets. The place is beautiful with absolutely stunning views of the Gulf. We have a pool and the beach is WAY down below us because everything in this area is on a cliff! We were totally spent and after lunch decided to just veg for the afternoon at the pool. Well worth it - the pool was even salt water! Notice the little sea kayaks at the bottom - we're thinking about this....Check out the picture of John - you can actually look into the pool from the lobby.....
Tomorrow we catch a train to Maggiore to do the 5 hour hike across the different little towns on a cliff path. We're very excited! More updates then......

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